Ignition: Stutter boxes prohibited. Starting line and or ‘high side’ rev limiters permitted. Two- steps, rev-limiters or any other rpm limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed so as to function as a down-track rpm controller, prohibited.
Switches & Buttons: All switches and/or buttons must be NHRA accepted standard mechanical connection type.
Infrared lasers, retinal scan, fingerprint, light source or other non-mechanical type switch prohibited.
PRO ET (1/4 mile 9.00 – 13.99) reference current NHRA rule book
Computer: Prohibited unless stock OEM equipment. See general regulations 9:1.
Data Recorders: Permitted. See general regulations 9:2 & 9:10.
Delay Boxes: Prohibited.
Transbrake: Permitted.
Line lock: Four-wheel line lock permitted.
Automated Shifter: Permitted.
Throttle Control: Throttle must be manually operated by the drivers. Electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. A deadstop under the carburetor or gas pedal is permitted. Throttle timers, counters prohibited.
Ignition: Stutter boxes prohibited. Starting line and or ‘high side’ rev limiters permitted. Two- steps, rev limiters or any other rpm limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed so as to function as a down-track rpm controller, prohibited.
Switches & Buttons: All switches and/or buttons must be NHRA accepted standard mechanical connection type. Infrared lasers, retinal scan, fingerprint, light source or other non-mechanical type switch prohibited.
Tow vehicles: Prohibited.
SPORTSMAN ET (1/4 mile 11.60 – 19.99) reference current NHRA rule book
Computer: Prohibited unless stock OEM equipment. See general regulations 9:1.
Data Recorders: Prohibited. See general regulations 9:2 & 9:10.
Delay Boxes: Prohibited.
Transbrake: Prohibited.
Line lock: Four-wheel line lock prohibited. Two-wheel line lock permitted on non-drive wheels only.
Throttle Control: Throttle must be manually operated by the driver’s foot. Electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. A deadstop under the carburetor or gas pedal is permitted. Throttle timers, counters prohibited.
Ignition: Stutter boxes prohibited. Single stage (high side only) rev limiters permitted. Starting line rev limiter prohibited. Two or more step rev limiter prohibited, any other rpm limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed in so as to function as a down-track rpm controller prohibited. Crank trigger system prohibited, unless OEM distributorless ignition.
Switches & Buttons: All switches and/or buttons must be NHRA accepted standard mechanical connection type. Infrared lasers, retinal scan, fingerprint, light source or other non-mechanical type switch prohibited.
Tow vehicles: Prohibited.
Exhaust: Muffler(s) required.
SUPER PRO BIKE ET (1/4 mile 7.50 – 15.99) reference current NHRA rule book
Same electronic rules as Super Pro cars applies to motorcycles.
Street Legal EV (1/4 mile 9.00 – 19.99)reference current NHRA rulebook:
No delay boxes
Dial your own index
GENERAL INFORMATION reference current NHRA rule book
Drivers competing in NHRA Summit Racing Series competition at NHRA Camping World Drag Racing Series events will be required to be 16 years of age or older.
A competitor entered in the Summit Racing Series National Championship may not compete in any other category at the event except for another Summit Racing Series National Championship category, but cannot use the same car in both categories.
Should the Division Champion be unable to attend, contact the respective Division office for alternate policy.
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