
NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Route 66 NHRA Nationals

Route 66 NHRA Nationals

  • May 30 - Jun 02, 2019
  • Route 66 Raceway
  • W Schweitzer Rd  Elwood, IL 60421

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Clay Millican 25 7 -.075 .888 2.164 3.038 289.88 3.780 318.62 -- --
Right Jordan Vandergriff WIN 24 10 .057 .850 2.175 3.067 285.65 3.814 313.88 -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 72 degrees, relative humidity 59 percent, barometer 29.25 inches, adjusted altitude 2,267 feet, track temperature 100 degrees. Clay Millican is the defending event champion. He was also runner-up in 2013. This is his 490th round of Top Fuel racing. Jordan Vandergriff is making his fifth start. Millican is 1 - 0 against Vandergriff in prior events. Millican leaves early and turns on the red light to give Vandergriff the win. Vandergriff is just off his qualifying time for the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Austin Prock 374 6 .065 .841 2.133 3.030 285.41 3.770 327.51 -- --
Right Richie Crampton WIN 58 11 .070 .851 2.143 3.020 289.14 3.758 322.73 .0075 --

Prock is 1 - 0 against Crampton in prior events. Prock with a slight starting line advantage, but Crampton chased him down by half track and never trailed from there on for the win. Richie Crampton's MOV: 0.0075 seconds (approximately 4 feet). Crampton with his quickest pass of the weekend for the win. Prock was just a few ticks off his qualifying time in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Doug Kalitta WIN 8 5 .057 .845 2.141 3.017 290.07 3.752 326.63 .0642 --
Right Shawn Reed 614 12 .087 .846 2.143 3.042 283.31 3.786 324.83 -- --

Doug Kalitta won here in 2004 and 2006. Shawn Reed is making his 27th start and second this year. He beat Doug in the first round at Atlanta this year and went to the semi-finals. Kalitta and Reed have each won 2 times against the other in prior events. Kalitta with the starting line advantage and runs his quickest pass of the weekend for the win. Reed with his quickest pass of the weekend in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Mike Salinas WIN 7211 1 .073 .837 2.124 .674 -- 3.736 325.69 .0745 --
Right Scott Palmer 10 16 .058 .869 2.182 3.080 284.03 3.825 325.30 -- --

This is the 42nd start for Mile Salinas and the fourth from the No.1 spot. The last time the top qualifier in Top Fuel won this race was 2010. The No.16 Top Fuel qualifier is 6 - 15 in round 1 at this event. Salinas is 4 - 0 against Palmer in prior events. Palmer with the starting line advantage, but Salinas had the difference made up by the time they went by the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. Salinas runs low E.T. of race day for the win. Palmer with his quickest pass of the weekend in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Antron Brown WIN 6 2 .057 .843 2.128 3.000 290.63 3.736 327.11 2.0902 --
Right Brittany Force 5 15 .107 .841 2.317 3.867 136.25 5.776 112.30 -- --

Antron Brown has won this race three times and was runner-up twice in Top Fuel. His 25 round wins here are the most for any active Top Fuel driver. Brittany Force was runner-up in 2014 in Chicago. This (No.15) is her lowest starting spot since the Atlanta race in 2017. Brown is 16 - 9 against Force in prior events. Brown with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Brown ties Salinas for low E.T. of race day for the win. He will have lane choice over Vandergriff in the next round. Force is up in smoke around 300 feet and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Steve Torrence WIN 1 3 .068 .847 2.139 3.011 291.51 3.741 329.34 .5391 --
Right Terry McMillen 21 14 .066 .852 2.144 3.159 223.54 4.282 194.74 -- --

Steve Torrence won this race in 2017 and was runner-up in 2012. This is the 201st start in Top Fuel for Terry McMillen. This is the first time that these two have met in round 1 since the Seattle race in 2017. Torrence is 12 - 10 against McMillen in prior events. McMillen with a couple tick advantage on the tree, but Torrence had the difference made up before they went by the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. Torrence runs his quickest pass of the weekend and fourth quickest of race day for the win. He will have lane choice over Crampton in the next round. McMillen was up in smoke past half track and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Dom Lagana 142 4 .098 .850 2.175 .850 -- 3.801 324.12 -- --
Right Pat Dakin WIN 303 13 .078 .850 2.151 3.049 282.30 3.798 318.47 .0236 --

This is the 49th start for Dom Lagana and it his best starting position (No.4). Pat Dakin is making his 165th start. Dakin is 1 - 0 against Lagana in prior events. Dakin with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Pat Dakin's MOV: 0.0236 seconds (approximately 11 feet). Dakin was on a good pass until right in the lights when the engine started eating itself up with a quick flash of flames. Dakin with his quickest pass of the weekend for the win. He will give up lane choice to Kalitta in the next round. Lagana with a good clean pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Leah Pritchett 777 8 .071 .861 2.153 3.281 188.54 4.736 137.39 -- --
Right T.J. Zizzo WIN 317 9 .087 .851 2.158 3.062 278.52 3.821 313.22 .8996 --

Leah Pritchett was runner-up last year. T.J. Zizzo is making his 64th start and his seventh from the No.9 qualifying spot. He started ninth at Gainesville and went to the semi-finals. The No.9 qualifier in Top Fuel is 6 - 2 in round one this year. Pritchett is 1 - 0 against Zizzo in prior events. Pritchett with the starting line advantage until around half track when the engine let go with a huge explosion. The explosion took out the right rear tire, and she was able to get the car safely stopped. The word from Safety Safari is there is oil on the track. Leah Pritchett was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points and $1K. Zizzo is straight down the groove with a good clean pass for the win, just off his qualifying time for the win. He will give up lane choice to Salinas in the next round.

Driver Clay Millican Jordan Vandergriff W
Car #2524
Q. Pos.710
60 FT.888.850
330 FT2.1642.175
660 FT3.0383.067
660 MPH289.88285.65
ET 3.780 3.814
MPH 318.62 313.88
MOV -- --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 72 degrees, relative humidity 59 percent, barometer 29.25 inches, adjusted altitude 2,267 feet, track temperature 100 degrees. Clay Millican is the defending event champion. He was also runner-up in 2013. This is his 490th round of Top Fuel racing. Jordan Vandergriff is making his fifth start. Millican is 1 - 0 against Vandergriff in prior events. Millican leaves early and turns on the red light to give Vandergriff the win. Vandergriff is just off his qualifying time for the win.

Driver Austin Prock Richie Crampton W
Car #37458
Q. Pos.611
60 FT.841.851
330 FT2.1332.143
660 FT3.0303.020
660 MPH285.41289.14
ET 3.770 3.758
MPH 327.51 322.73
MOV -- .0075
First -- --

Prock is 1 - 0 against Crampton in prior events. Prock with a slight starting line advantage, but Crampton chased him down by half track and never trailed from there on for the win. Richie Crampton's MOV: 0.0075 seconds (approximately 4 feet). Crampton with his quickest pass of the weekend for the win. Prock was just a few ticks off his qualifying time in the losing effort.

Driver Doug Kalitta W Shawn Reed
Car #8614
Q. Pos.512
60 FT.845.846
330 FT2.1412.143
660 FT3.0173.042
660 MPH290.07283.31
ET 3.752 3.786
MPH 326.63 324.83
MOV .0642 --
First -- --

Doug Kalitta won here in 2004 and 2006. Shawn Reed is making his 27th start and second this year. He beat Doug in the first round at Atlanta this year and went to the semi-finals. Kalitta and Reed have each won 2 times against the other in prior events. Kalitta with the starting line advantage and runs his quickest pass of the weekend for the win. Reed with his quickest pass of the weekend in the losing effort.

Driver Mike Salinas W Scott Palmer
Car #721110
Q. Pos.116
60 FT.837.869
330 FT2.1242.182
660 FT.6743.080
660 MPH--284.03
ET 3.736 3.825
MPH 325.69 325.30
MOV .0745 --
First -- --

This is the 42nd start for Mile Salinas and the fourth from the No.1 spot. The last time the top qualifier in Top Fuel won this race was 2010. The No.16 Top Fuel qualifier is 6 - 15 in round 1 at this event. Salinas is 4 - 0 against Palmer in prior events. Palmer with the starting line advantage, but Salinas had the difference made up by the time they went by the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. Salinas runs low E.T. of race day for the win. Palmer with his quickest pass of the weekend in the losing effort.

Driver Antron Brown W Brittany Force
Car #65
Q. Pos.215
60 FT.843.841
330 FT2.1282.317
660 FT3.0003.867
660 MPH290.63136.25
ET 3.736 5.776
MPH 327.11 112.30
MOV 2.0902 --
First -- --

Antron Brown has won this race three times and was runner-up twice in Top Fuel. His 25 round wins here are the most for any active Top Fuel driver. Brittany Force was runner-up in 2014 in Chicago. This (No.15) is her lowest starting spot since the Atlanta race in 2017. Brown is 16 - 9 against Force in prior events. Brown with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Brown ties Salinas for low E.T. of race day for the win. He will have lane choice over Vandergriff in the next round. Force is up in smoke around 300 feet and clicks it off.

Driver Steve Torrence W Terry McMillen
Car #121
Q. Pos.314
60 FT.847.852
330 FT2.1392.144
660 FT3.0113.159
660 MPH291.51223.54
ET 3.741 4.282
MPH 329.34 194.74
MOV .5391 --
First -- --

Steve Torrence won this race in 2017 and was runner-up in 2012. This is the 201st start in Top Fuel for Terry McMillen. This is the first time that these two have met in round 1 since the Seattle race in 2017. Torrence is 12 - 10 against McMillen in prior events. McMillen with a couple tick advantage on the tree, but Torrence had the difference made up before they went by the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. Torrence runs his quickest pass of the weekend and fourth quickest of race day for the win. He will have lane choice over Crampton in the next round. McMillen was up in smoke past half track and clicked it off.

Driver Dom Lagana Pat Dakin W
Car #142303
Q. Pos.413
60 FT.850.850
330 FT2.1752.151
660 FT.8503.049
660 MPH--282.30
ET 3.801 3.798
MPH 324.12 318.47
MOV -- .0236
First -- --

This is the 49th start for Dom Lagana and it his best starting position (No.4). Pat Dakin is making his 165th start. Dakin is 1 - 0 against Lagana in prior events. Dakin with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Pat Dakin's MOV: 0.0236 seconds (approximately 11 feet). Dakin was on a good pass until right in the lights when the engine started eating itself up with a quick flash of flames. Dakin with his quickest pass of the weekend for the win. He will give up lane choice to Kalitta in the next round. Lagana with a good clean pass in the losing effort.

Driver Leah Pritchett T.J. Zizzo W
Car #777317
Q. Pos.89
60 FT.861.851
330 FT2.1532.158
660 FT3.2813.062
660 MPH188.54278.52
ET 4.736 3.821
MPH 137.39 313.22
MOV -- .8996
First -- --

Leah Pritchett was runner-up last year. T.J. Zizzo is making his 64th start and his seventh from the No.9 qualifying spot. He started ninth at Gainesville and went to the semi-finals. The No.9 qualifier in Top Fuel is 6 - 2 in round one this year. Pritchett is 1 - 0 against Zizzo in prior events. Pritchett with the starting line advantage until around half track when the engine let go with a huge explosion. The explosion took out the right rear tire, and she was able to get the car safely stopped. The word from Safety Safari is there is oil on the track. Leah Pritchett was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points and $1K. Zizzo is straight down the groove with a good clean pass for the win, just off his qualifying time for the win. He will give up lane choice to Salinas in the next round.