
NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Route 66 NHRA Nationals

Route 66 NHRA Nationals

  • May 30 - Jun 02, 2019
  • Route 66 Raceway
  • W Schweitzer Rd  Elwood, IL 60421

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Hight WIN 2 1 .055 .863 2.233 3.175 263.00 4.105 239.40 .1486 --
Right Jack Beckman 7 5 -.044 .882 2.279 3.276 229.35 4.352 206.86 -- --

3:09 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 79 degrees, relative humidity 37 percent, barometer 29.25 inches, adjusted altitude 2,629 feet, track temperature 113 degrees. This is the 10th time that Robert and Jack have faced off in a semi-final match. Robert leads 5 - 4 in the previous meetings. Hight is 23 - 18 against Beckman in prior events. Beckman is a little too quick off the line and goes red giving the win to Hight. Hight was out of power early in the run. This is Hights' 76th final round and fifth this year. He has been to the finals here four times now.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 3 2 .081 .884 2.272 3.212 274.11 3.972 321.81 .0375 --
Right John Force 9 11 .137 .882 2.270 3.199 277.43 3.953 322.42 -- --

Johnson gets the advantage off the line and makes it stick. Force starts making up ground but quickly runs out of race track. Tommy Johnson Jr.'s incremental margins: 60ft(0.054), 330 ft(0.054), 660ft(0.043). MOV: 0.0375 seconds (approximately 18 feet). Johnson will be going to his 50th final round, his second this year and the fifth at this event.

Driver Robert Hight W Jack Beckman
Car #27
Q. Pos.15
60 FT.863.882
330 FT2.2332.279
660 FT3.1753.276
660 MPH263.00229.35
ET 4.105 4.352
MPH 239.40 206.86
MOV .1486 --
First -- --

3:09 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 79 degrees, relative humidity 37 percent, barometer 29.25 inches, adjusted altitude 2,629 feet, track temperature 113 degrees. This is the 10th time that Robert and Jack have faced off in a semi-final match. Robert leads 5 - 4 in the previous meetings. Hight is 23 - 18 against Beckman in prior events. Beckman is a little too quick off the line and goes red giving the win to Hight. Hight was out of power early in the run. This is Hights' 76th final round and fifth this year. He has been to the finals here four times now.

Driver Tommy Johnson Jr W John Force
Car #39
Q. Pos.211
60 FT.884.882
330 FT2.2722.270
660 FT3.2123.199
660 MPH274.11277.43
ET 3.972 3.953
MPH 321.81 322.42
MOV .0375 --
First -- --

Johnson gets the advantage off the line and makes it stick. Force starts making up ground but quickly runs out of race track. Tommy Johnson Jr.'s incremental margins: 60ft(0.054), 330 ft(0.054), 660ft(0.043). MOV: 0.0375 seconds (approximately 18 feet). Johnson will be going to his 50th final round, his second this year and the fifth at this event.