
NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Route 66 NHRA Nationals

Route 66 NHRA Nationals

  • May 30 - Jun 02, 2019
  • Route 66 Raceway
  • W Schweitzer Rd  Elwood, IL 60421

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jack Beckman WIN 7 5 .069 .874 2.263 3.188 279.61 3.930 329.18 .3256 --
Right Blake Alexander 256 12 .074 .880 2.269 3.251 238.85 4.250 222.77 -- --

11:39 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 72 degrees, relative humidity 59 percent, barometer 29.25 inches, adjusted altitude 2,267 feet, track temperature 100 degrees. Alexander is 2 - 1 against Beckman in prior events. Jack Beckman won this race in 2016. Beckman gets a small advantage off the line and starts to pull away. Alexander was staying with him for about 500 feet, then struck the tires and had to back off the throttle.. Jack Beckman's incremental margins: 60ft(0.011), 330 ft(0.011), 660ft(0.068). MOV: 0.3256 seconds (more than 100 feet).

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Langdon 333 4 .084 .878 2.263 3.548 168.41 5.234 117.81 -- --
Right Jeff Arend WIN 170 13 .066 .898 2.310 3.394 207.78 4.366 259.76 .8864 --

This is the first time Langdon and Arend have faced each other in eliminations. Arend gets out of the gate first but langdon reels him in before they reach the sixty foot mark. Langdon gets about 400 feet out, strikes the tires, then bangs the blower. Arend strikes the tires at about the same point and pedals. Arend gets back on the throttle, the car moves around pretty wildly, then he backs off the throttle. Langdon drifts to the right, the chutes take out the timing block at the end of the track and he crosses the centerline, costing him five points. Jeff Arend's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.002), 330 ft(-0.029), 660ft(0.172). MOV: 0.8864 seconds (more than 100 feet). Beckman will have lane choice over Arend in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Hight WIN 2 1 .068 .877 2.249 3.186 269.78 4.040 262.33 .0156 --
Right Jim Campbell 703 16 .079 .904 2.317 3.270 269.51 4.044 314.39 -- --

Robert Hight is the defending event champion. He also was runner-up twice. This is his sixth No. 1 spot this year. Jim Campbell beat Robert in the first round at this race in 2017 after Robert was No. 1 qualifier. Hight is 4 - 1 against Campbell in prior events. Hight dodges a bullet on this one. He gets out of the gate first and starts pulling away. He extends his lead to half track, then strikes the tires and has to back off the throttle. Campbell makes up ground at that point but ran out of race track. Robert Hight's incremental margins: 60ft(0.038), 330 ft(0.079), 660ft(0.095). MOV: 0.0156 seconds (approximately 7 feet).

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 3 2 .081 .882 2.265 3.194 277.89 3.946 325.85 .7246 --
Right Paul Lee 116 15 .078 .871 2.249 3.447 200.02 4.673 180.72 -- --

Tommy Johnson was the winner here in 2015 and runner-up three times. He got the No. 2 spot based on speed. It's only the second time in his career that has happened, the other was in 2004..Paul Lee is making his 57th start and second this year. Johnson Jr. is 1 - 0 against Lee in prior events. Lee gets a little holeshot and was out in front past the 330 foot mark. Lee strikes the tires just after that and Johnson drives around him and pulls away for the win. Tommy Johnson Jr.'s incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.014), 330 ft(-0.019), 660ft(0.250). MOV: 0.7246 seconds (more than 100 feet).

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Ron Capps WIN 28 3 .083 .878 2.260 3.195 277.83 3.944 325.53 .4381 --
Right Bob Bode 340 14 .116 .913 2.326 3.319 239.95 4.349 215.51 -- --

Ron Capps was the 2017 winner here and runner-up three times. He is coming off back-to-back wins in Atlanta and Richmond..Bob Bode is making his 96th start. His 10 losses against Capps are the second most for him against any driver he has faced (Force - 11). Capps is 10 - 1 against Bode in prior events. Capps gets out of the gate first and stars to pull away. bode's car starts drifting toward the centerline, gets way out of the groove and has to back off the throttle about 700 feet out.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left J.R. Todd 1 6 .238 .897 2.264 3.184 280.43 3.938 319.98 -- --
Right John Force WIN 9 11 .035 .919 2.301 3.216 281.48 3.956 328.46 .1859 --

The No. 6 FC qualifier at this race is 17 - 4 in the first round..John Force went to the final round 6 times at this event and he won here in 2000, 2004 & 2006. He is 12 - 9 in round 1 at this event. Todd is 3 - 2 against Force in prior events. Force gets a big holeshot when Todd double steps it at the line. Todd starts reeling him in but Force holds him off and takes the holeshot win. John Force's incremental margins: 60ft(0.181), 330 ft(0.166), 660ft(0.171). MOV: 0.1859 seconds (approximately 87 feet). Capps will have lane choice over Force in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Matt Hagan WIN 2814 7 .113 .888 2.272 3.207 108.15 3.954 328.46 .0259 --
Right Bob Tasca III 77 10 .078 .913 2.311 3.254 274.61 4.014 320.28 -- --

Matt Hagan has 3 wins and a runner-up at this event. Hagan is 10 - 9 against Tasca III in prior events. Tasca gets out of the gate first, stays in front past the sixty foot mark, then Hagan is able to power by and pull away for the win. Matt Hagan's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.010), 330 ft(0.004), 660ft(0.012). MOV: 0.0259 seconds (approximately 12 feet). Johnson will have lane choice over Hagan in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cruz Pedregon WIN 71 8 .043 .926 2.307 3.254 272.50 4.016 321.19 .0599 --
Right Tim Wilkerson DQ 5 9 .066 .877 2.264 3.192 276.63 99999 256.45 -- --

Cruz Pedregon starts the day with an overall record of 560 - 499 and that is the eighth most rounds among all pro drivers in NHRA history. The No. 8 Funny Car qualifier is 11 - 10 on round 1 at this event. Tim Wilkerson won his first FC race here in 1999. Pedregon is 20 - 18 against Wilkerson in prior events. Pedregon gets the advantage off the line but Wilkerson starts making up ground quickly. Wilkerson is out in front at the 660 foot mark but the car starts making a move to the right. he continues to move to the right and tags the wall just at the finish line DQ'ing his run. Pedregon will have lane choice over Hight in the next round.

Driver Jack Beckman W Blake Alexander
Car #7256
Q. Pos.512
60 FT.874.880
330 FT2.2632.269
660 FT3.1883.251
660 MPH279.61238.85
ET 3.930 4.250
MPH 329.18 222.77
MOV .3256 --
First -- --

11:39 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 72 degrees, relative humidity 59 percent, barometer 29.25 inches, adjusted altitude 2,267 feet, track temperature 100 degrees. Alexander is 2 - 1 against Beckman in prior events. Jack Beckman won this race in 2016. Beckman gets a small advantage off the line and starts to pull away. Alexander was staying with him for about 500 feet, then struck the tires and had to back off the throttle.. Jack Beckman's incremental margins: 60ft(0.011), 330 ft(0.011), 660ft(0.068). MOV: 0.3256 seconds (more than 100 feet).

Driver Shawn Langdon Jeff Arend W
Car #333170
Q. Pos.413
60 FT.878.898
330 FT2.2632.310
660 FT3.5483.394
660 MPH168.41207.78
ET 5.234 4.366
MPH 117.81 259.76
MOV -- .8864
First -- --

This is the first time Langdon and Arend have faced each other in eliminations. Arend gets out of the gate first but langdon reels him in before they reach the sixty foot mark. Langdon gets about 400 feet out, strikes the tires, then bangs the blower. Arend strikes the tires at about the same point and pedals. Arend gets back on the throttle, the car moves around pretty wildly, then he backs off the throttle. Langdon drifts to the right, the chutes take out the timing block at the end of the track and he crosses the centerline, costing him five points. Jeff Arend's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.002), 330 ft(-0.029), 660ft(0.172). MOV: 0.8864 seconds (more than 100 feet). Beckman will have lane choice over Arend in the next round.

Driver Robert Hight W Jim Campbell
Car #2703
Q. Pos.116
60 FT.877.904
330 FT2.2492.317
660 FT3.1863.270
660 MPH269.78269.51
ET 4.040 4.044
MPH 262.33 314.39
MOV .0156 --
First -- --

Robert Hight is the defending event champion. He also was runner-up twice. This is his sixth No. 1 spot this year. Jim Campbell beat Robert in the first round at this race in 2017 after Robert was No. 1 qualifier. Hight is 4 - 1 against Campbell in prior events. Hight dodges a bullet on this one. He gets out of the gate first and starts pulling away. He extends his lead to half track, then strikes the tires and has to back off the throttle. Campbell makes up ground at that point but ran out of race track. Robert Hight's incremental margins: 60ft(0.038), 330 ft(0.079), 660ft(0.095). MOV: 0.0156 seconds (approximately 7 feet).

Driver Tommy Johnson Jr W Paul Lee
Car #3116
Q. Pos.215
60 FT.882.871
330 FT2.2652.249
660 FT3.1943.447
660 MPH277.89200.02
ET 3.946 4.673
MPH 325.85 180.72
MOV .7246 --
First -- --

Tommy Johnson was the winner here in 2015 and runner-up three times. He got the No. 2 spot based on speed. It's only the second time in his career that has happened, the other was in 2004..Paul Lee is making his 57th start and second this year. Johnson Jr. is 1 - 0 against Lee in prior events. Lee gets a little holeshot and was out in front past the 330 foot mark. Lee strikes the tires just after that and Johnson drives around him and pulls away for the win. Tommy Johnson Jr.'s incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.014), 330 ft(-0.019), 660ft(0.250). MOV: 0.7246 seconds (more than 100 feet).

Driver Ron Capps W Bob Bode
Car #28340
Q. Pos.314
60 FT.878.913
330 FT2.2602.326
660 FT3.1953.319
660 MPH277.83239.95
ET 3.944 4.349
MPH 325.53 215.51
MOV .4381 --
First -- --

Ron Capps was the 2017 winner here and runner-up three times. He is coming off back-to-back wins in Atlanta and Richmond..Bob Bode is making his 96th start. His 10 losses against Capps are the second most for him against any driver he has faced (Force - 11). Capps is 10 - 1 against Bode in prior events. Capps gets out of the gate first and stars to pull away. bode's car starts drifting toward the centerline, gets way out of the groove and has to back off the throttle about 700 feet out.

Driver J.R. Todd John Force W
Car #19
Q. Pos.611
60 FT.897.919
330 FT2.2642.301
660 FT3.1843.216
660 MPH280.43281.48
ET 3.938 3.956
MPH 319.98 328.46
MOV -- .1859
First -- --

The No. 6 FC qualifier at this race is 17 - 4 in the first round..John Force went to the final round 6 times at this event and he won here in 2000, 2004 & 2006. He is 12 - 9 in round 1 at this event. Todd is 3 - 2 against Force in prior events. Force gets a big holeshot when Todd double steps it at the line. Todd starts reeling him in but Force holds him off and takes the holeshot win. John Force's incremental margins: 60ft(0.181), 330 ft(0.166), 660ft(0.171). MOV: 0.1859 seconds (approximately 87 feet). Capps will have lane choice over Force in the next round.

Driver Matt Hagan W Bob Tasca III
Car #281477
Q. Pos.710
60 FT.888.913
330 FT2.2722.311
660 FT3.2073.254
660 MPH108.15274.61
ET 3.954 4.014
MPH 328.46 320.28
MOV .0259 --
First -- --

Matt Hagan has 3 wins and a runner-up at this event. Hagan is 10 - 9 against Tasca III in prior events. Tasca gets out of the gate first, stays in front past the sixty foot mark, then Hagan is able to power by and pull away for the win. Matt Hagan's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.010), 330 ft(0.004), 660ft(0.012). MOV: 0.0259 seconds (approximately 12 feet). Johnson will have lane choice over Hagan in the next round.

Driver Cruz Pedregon W Tim Wilkerson DQ
Car #715
Q. Pos.89
60 FT.926.877
330 FT2.3072.264
660 FT3.2543.192
660 MPH272.50276.63
ET 4.016 99999
MPH 321.19 256.45
MOV .0599 --
First -- --

Cruz Pedregon starts the day with an overall record of 560 - 499 and that is the eighth most rounds among all pro drivers in NHRA history. The No. 8 Funny Car qualifier is 11 - 10 on round 1 at this event. Tim Wilkerson won his first FC race here in 1999. Pedregon is 20 - 18 against Wilkerson in prior events. Pedregon gets the advantage off the line but Wilkerson starts making up ground quickly. Wilkerson is out in front at the 660 foot mark but the car starts making a move to the right. he continues to move to the right and tags the wall just at the finish line DQ'ing his run. Pedregon will have lane choice over Hight in the next round.