
NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Virginia NHRA Nationals

Virginia NHRA Nationals

  • May 17-19, 2019
  • Virginia Motorsports Park
  • 8018 Boydton Plank Road  North Dinwiddie, VA 23803

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jonnie Lindberg WIN 801 8 .116 .888 2.311 3.285 260.81 4.157 269.94 6.5911 --
Right John Force 9 1 .074 1.064 4.270 7.682 69.52 10.790 77.43 -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 93 degrees, relative humidity 43 percent, barometer 29.76 inches, adjusted altitude 3,230 feet, track temperature 140 degrees. Force with the starting line advantage, but is up in smoke as soon as he hit the throttle and clicked it off. Lindberg was on a good pass until on the top end when it started to haze the tires and he pedaled it and gets the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Hight 2 6 .092 1.177 3.818 5.244 194.69 6.204 270.75 -- --
Right Ron Capps WIN 28 3 .067 1.191 3.720 5.164 188.28 6.173 251.11 .0563 --

Hight is 35 - 32 against Capps in prior events. Capps with the starting line advantage...they both both start to smoke the tires around the same time. They both pedal a couple times before getting the cars to hook up. They both have a bunch of cylinders out all the way down track. Capps is able to get the win. Ron Capps' MOV: 0.0563 seconds (approximately 22 feet). After the finish line Capps crossed the centerline, but before the 1320 so that will cost him five points.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jack Beckman 7 10 .077 1.115 3.842 5.985 101.04 8.238 102.56 -- --
Right Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 3 2 .087 1.055 3.095 4.307 217.18 5.356 212.03 2.8725 --

Beckman is 24 - 12 against Johnson Jr. in prior events. Beckman with the starting line advantage, but Johnson Jr. had the difference made up before the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. They both started to smoke the tires around 150 feet. They both pedal them...Johnson Jr. gets it to hook up after one pedal and gets the win. Beckman pedaled it a couple times and never got it to hook up.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left J.R. Todd WIN 1 4 .064 .878 2.293 3.261 266.74 4.044 310.41 .0253 --
Right Shawn Langdon 333 5 .052 .907 2.331 3.298 266.64 4.081 312.35 -- --

Todd is 9 - 7 against Langdon in prior events. Langdon with the starting line advantage, but Todd has the lead by the time they go by the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. J.R. Todd's MOV: 0.0253 seconds (approximately 12 feet). Todd will have lane choice over Lindberg in the semifinal. Langdon with the second quickest pass of the round, but is going home.

Driver Jonnie Lindberg W John Force
Car #8019
Q. Pos.81
60 FT.8881.064
330 FT2.3114.270
660 FT3.2857.682
660 MPH260.8169.52
ET 4.157 10.790
MPH 269.94 77.43
MOV 6.5911 --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 93 degrees, relative humidity 43 percent, barometer 29.76 inches, adjusted altitude 3,230 feet, track temperature 140 degrees. Force with the starting line advantage, but is up in smoke as soon as he hit the throttle and clicked it off. Lindberg was on a good pass until on the top end when it started to haze the tires and he pedaled it and gets the win.

Driver Robert Hight Ron Capps W
Car #228
Q. Pos.63
60 FT1.1771.191
330 FT3.8183.720
660 FT5.2445.164
660 MPH194.69188.28
ET 6.204 6.173
MPH 270.75 251.11
MOV -- .0563
First -- --

Hight is 35 - 32 against Capps in prior events. Capps with the starting line advantage...they both both start to smoke the tires around the same time. They both pedal a couple times before getting the cars to hook up. They both have a bunch of cylinders out all the way down track. Capps is able to get the win. Ron Capps' MOV: 0.0563 seconds (approximately 22 feet). After the finish line Capps crossed the centerline, but before the 1320 so that will cost him five points.

Driver Jack Beckman Tommy Johnson Jr W
Car #73
Q. Pos.102
60 FT1.1151.055
330 FT3.8423.095
660 FT5.9854.307
660 MPH101.04217.18
ET 8.238 5.356
MPH 102.56 212.03
MOV -- 2.8725
First -- --

Beckman is 24 - 12 against Johnson Jr. in prior events. Beckman with the starting line advantage, but Johnson Jr. had the difference made up before the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. They both started to smoke the tires around 150 feet. They both pedal them...Johnson Jr. gets it to hook up after one pedal and gets the win. Beckman pedaled it a couple times and never got it to hook up.

Driver J.R. Todd W Shawn Langdon
Car #1333
Q. Pos.45
60 FT.878.907
330 FT2.2932.331
660 FT3.2613.298
660 MPH266.74266.64
ET 4.044 4.081
MPH 310.41 312.35
MOV .0253 --
First -- --

Todd is 9 - 7 against Langdon in prior events. Langdon with the starting line advantage, but Todd has the lead by the time they go by the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. J.R. Todd's MOV: 0.0253 seconds (approximately 12 feet). Todd will have lane choice over Lindberg in the semifinal. Langdon with the second quickest pass of the round, but is going home.