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A life well Dunn, and strapping on the ol' feedback
Mike Dunn career retrospective; more four-wide madness; Warren & Coburn
Mike Dunn’s Final Take column that accompanies National DRAGSTER’s Pro coverage from the 91°µÍø POWERade Drag Racing Series national events is one of the most popular weekly features in the magazine, and it’s always…
Monday morning mash-up
Mark Pieri recalls four-lane racing at Byron; memories of Bison Dragway; more on Kalitta's fireball
Explaining the basics of drag racing to your buddies down at the bar is pretty straightforward (pardon the pun), right? Two cars run in a straight line for 1,320 feet, right? Well, it wasn’t always two cars, as you’re about to read.
A lot of back…
Ridge Route Terror tales
Back in December, I published in this column some of my old personal photos from Irwindale, including the one at right, showing my favorite fueler of the time, the James Warren-driven, Roger Coburn-tuned Warren & Coburn (before and later Warren…
My Memory Lane is Riverside Drive
A trip back to NHRA's North Hollywood headquarters, where it all began for me
Journalist H.L. Mencken, one of the most influential American writers of the first half of the 20th century, once said of his time at The Baltimore Sun newspaper, “As I look back over a misspent life, I find myself more and more convinced that I had…
Racing on the cardboard quarter-mile
Remembering (and replaying) the Vallco Drag Racing board game
If kids today want to buckle into John Force’s Castrol GTX Mustang and take on Gary Scelzi, all they have to do is fire up the PlayStation 2 and drop in a copy of ValuSoft’s Countdown to the…
A little bit of this and a little bit of that ...
Connie Kalitta's E-Town boomer; Fremont body snatcher caught in phone booth; and much more
Here we are, at just the 330-foot mark of the year, and already it’s been a sad, sad one. Pat Foster, Al Hofmann, John Shoemaker, Lew Arrington, Dick McClung, Jon and James Herbert, John Buttera, Boyd Coddington, and then in the last week, in quick…
Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos: Steve Reyes
The dean of drag racing action photographers shares a handful of his famous and unforgettable photos
Steve Reyes needs little introduction to most longtime drag fans. His is probably one of the best-known names in the business, and there isn’t a single photographer past or present who doesn’t admire and respect his body of…
NHRA's Euro hero: 'No Jive Clive' Skilton
Recounting the NHRA career of English Top Fuel racer Clive Skilton; reactions to the passing of Pat Foster
Some ado was made about European FIA champ Urs Erbacher’s first-round Top Fuel victory in Houston, which, as best as anyone’s records can tell, was the first round-win by a European Top Fuel racer in more than 30 years. A lot of European racers have…
50 years ago in Texas ....
Ed Mabry recalls Don Garlits' conquering of the Texans and Californians in 1958.
The NHRA is in the great state of Texas for the O’Reilly NHRA Spring Nationals, making this an appropriate column to share some tall Texas tales, which I will shortly.
But first off, of course, is the sad news about Patty Foster taking his last…
Memories of Al
Reactions to the passing of Funny Car racer Al Hofmann, including reader memories
Al Hofmann’s unexpected passing last week took a lot of people by surprise because the last we heard of him, as reported by National DRAGSTER’s John Jodauga in one of his popular Where Are They Now? columns, he had retired…
From the mailbag ...
Steve Swaja talks about the creation of Tony Nancy's Wedge dragsters; Don Roberts on the front- to rear-engined Top Fuel transformation
One of the (many) great things about writing a regular column such as this is that it sometimes becomes self-sustaining. Things you write are responded to by our always enthusiastic and knowledgeable community and become items unto themselves. I’ve…
Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos (From Fischbeck)
Longtime drag racing photographer Mike Fuschbeck shares his favorite images
The Internet constantly evolves. I remember when I thought that upgrading from a 14.4K modem to 28K was like going from riding a wagon to flying in a spaceship. Back when everyone connected to the Internet through AOL or Prodigy or CompuServe, back…
History lessons relearned
The debut of the Garlitsglide and how it led to the first successful rear-engined dragster
Flying home Monday, the battery in ol’ Lappy went dead in mid-sentence of the sixth paragraph of the event-overall story I was writing for this week’s coverage. No warning, no flashing lights, no dropped cylinder or…
It's good to be back in Gainesville
Reliving "the Gators curse" in my first return to Gainesville in six years
It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been to Gainesville Raceway, and the old gal has changed quite a bit. Actually, as these photos at right, from 1971 and 2007, attest, it’s barely recognizable from its…
'Backdoor Bob' Struksnes
The life and times of Top Fuel racer Bob Struksnes
Theirs is not a household name to the casual drag racing fan, yet they twice finished in the top four in the Top Fuel world championship race, including a third-place finish in 1977…
Welcome back, 'Mr. Everything'
Legendary Funny Car racer Pat Foster battles back from health issues
(Above) The Barry Setzer Vega was unchallenged on the match race circuit in the early 1970s and went to three straight national event finals in 1973. (Below) Pat Foster, left, son Cole, and team owner…
Where have all the nicknames gone? We've got 'em right here …
A super-dumb column in which we decide to give modern-day drag racers nicknames
"The Snake" and "the Mongoose" and "the Zookeeper."
"Big Daddy" and "the King" and "the Ace."
"Superman" and "Dandy Dick" and "the Smilin' Okie."
Where have all the nicknames gone? Back in the day, a great nickname…
Obsolete skills, part 2: Off the track
Pit-area prowess that's no longer needed
Those now-growing-rusty skills weren't just things used on the track, but in the pits and other places, too. Adjusting clutches, mounting tires, restripping blowers, and more are all topics of changing conventions, as were the accommodations to…
Obsolete skills, part 1: On the track
From dry hops to push starts and real bleach in the "bleach box," things we don't see at the drags anymore
"Remember when the music came from wooden boxes strung with silver wire." – Harry Chapin
Technology is a wonderful, wonderful thing, and it's easy to get nostalgic about the good old days as singer-songwriter Chapin did in his 1980 song, and in…
Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos ... er, dandy drawings
Famed drag racing illustrator John Jodauga shares some of his favorite works of art
I'm going to throw a slight change up at you for this week's Five Fabulous Fotos and deliver a dandy dose of drag drawings from our own in-house artist, John Jodauga. J.J., who was part of the staff at DRAGSTER in the 1970s…
Obsolete skills
Technology has made obsolete some longtime automotive and drag racing skills
Here's a little bench-racing discussion starter. The other day I came across the Web site It's a funny little place where there is a huge list of "skills" that are no longer required for humanity to master, such as dialing a…
Gator madness!
The Phoenix event may have finished just a day ago with high drama in the desert, but it's pretty clear that a lot of people are Gators-obsessed already, even though the event is still three weeks away.
Friday's Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos: Joel Gelfand
Longtime drag racing photographer Joel Gelfand shares his favorite images
It's Friday which can only mean one thing (at least in this column): Time for another round of Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos. This week we reverse the lens and point it at someone outside the DRAGSTER staff: Southern…
Diamonds in the rough, gators on wheels, diamonds on cars, and how to move a billion dollars
Drag racing gators; a diamond-encrusted Hot Wheels car
I'll be attending the ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals this year, my first trip to Gainesville Raceway in many, many years, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the old gal has changed. The new tower will provide a…
V for Victory and P for Pisano
Celebrating the ol' "V for Victory" sign; keeping the Pisano name alive
Happy Presidents Day, everyone. Did you know that U.S. President Richard Nixon once honored the motorsports world when he invited the biggest names in motorsports –- including "Big Daddy" Don Garlits, Ronnie Sox, and Richard Petty -- to the White…
Winning time
Winternationals celebrations, including a young Larry Dixon in 1970; vintage Dixon family press release; more Simon Menzies
One of the best parts of any race is the time spent in the winner's circle. You're surrounded by very happy people, whether it's the racers basking in the glow of victory or a group of tired but pleased NHRA staff members enjoying the satisfaction…
The Winternationals mystique
What the Winternationals means to me, and probably to you, too
I love the Winternationals. Always have. This is my 30th, and the memories never die. Indy is bigger, Virginia quicker, Las Vegas more flashy, but the Winternationals are magic. The points are all at zero and…
Mail call ...
Simon Menzies weighs in; Doug Herbert heals; Greg Ozubko tells hockey tales; more "Growing Up Boy"
It's T-minus one day before the CARQUEST Auto Parts NHRA Winternationals and my mind is so a-twitter at the thought of fuel cars firing down Parker Avenue that it's going to make it difficult to keep a train of thought, so I'm going to derail any…
Can I get a Whit-ness?
The life and times of Whit Bazemore
The CARQUEST Auto Parts NHRA Winternationals begin in three days and, for the first time since man invented the wheel, Whit Bazemore will not be participating in the season opener. Okay, so it's "only" been since 1994 that…
The return of Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos
National Dragster photographer Marc Gewertz shares his favorite images
I'm proud to introduce the second in a series of Five Fabulous Favorite Fotos, works of art captured by the drag racing photographers who prowl the sidelines of our sport and capture, for all eternity, the moments that makes…